Input and Output


quicksand requires as input demultiplexed, merged, and adapter trimmed sequencing libraries in .fastq or .bam format. Use the --split flag to point to the directory containing these files. quicksand refers to the name of the files as readgroups:



Quicksand will process all the .fastq,fq,fastq.gz,fq.gz and .bam-files within the --split directory and ignore all other files.


quicksand writes all output files to the quicksand_v2.1 directory. Within this directory the files are layed out as follows:

├── out
│    └── {taxon}
│         ├── 1-extracted
│         │    └── {RG}_extractedReads-{taxon}.bam
│         ├── best // (for families not in --fixed)
│         │    ├── 2-aligned
│         │    │     └── {RG}.{family}.{species}.bam
│         │    ├── 3-deduped
│         │    │     └── {RG}.{family}.{species}_deduped.bam
│         │    └── 4-bedfiltered
│         │          └── {RG}.{family}.{species}_deduped_bedfiltered.bam
│         └── fixed // (for families in --fixed)
│              ├── 2-aligned
│              │     └── {RG}.{family}.{species}.bam
│              ├── 3-deduped
│              │     └── {RG}.{family}.{species}_deduped.bam
│              ├── 5-deaminated
│              │     ├── {RG}.{family}.{species}_deduped_deaminated_1term.bam
│              │     └── {RG}.{family}.{species}_deduped_deaminated_3term.bam
│              └── 6-mpileups
│                    ├── {RG}.{family}.{species}_term1_mpiled.tsv
│                    ├── {RG}.{family}.{species}_term3_mpiled.tsv
│                    └── {RG}.{family}.{species}_all_mpiled.tsv
├── stats
│    ├── splitcounts.tsv
│    ├── {RG}
│    ├── {RG}.kraken.translate
│    ├── {RG}_00_extracted.tsv
│    ├── {RG}_01_mapped.tsv
│    ├── {RG}_02_deduped.tsv
│    ├── {RG}_03_bedfiltered.tsv
│    └── {RG}_04_deamination.tsv
├── nextflow
│    ├── {DATE}.commands
│    └── {DATE}.config
├── work
│    └── ...
├── cc_estimates.tsv
├── filtered_report_{N}p_{N}b.tsv
└── final_report.tsv


Directory: out/TAXON


BAM FILE. Contains the DNA sequences of one readgroup assigned by KrakenUniq to one taxon [family or order].


BAM FILE. Contains the aligend sequences after mapping the extractedReads to the reference species


BAM FILE. The same alignment, but depleted of PCR duplicates.


BAM FILE. The deduped alignment, but depleted of reads overlapping low-complexity regions
specified in the provided bedfiles for the given species.


BAM FILE. The deduped alignment, filtered for reads that show a C to T
substitution at one of the terminal positions in respect to the reference genome


BAM FILE. The deduped alignment, filtered for reads that show a C to T
substitution at one of the terminal three positions in respect to the reference genome


TSV FILE. The deduped alignment, but in mpileup format.
The first three positions of each sequence are masked by setting the mapping quality to 0


TSV FILE. Mpileup format. The first three positions of each sequence are masked by setting the mapping quality to 0.
The pileup contains only reads showing a C to T substitution at one of the terminal positions in respect to the reference genome


TSV FILE. Mpileup format. The first three positions of each sequence are masked by setting the mapping quality to 0.
The pileup contains only reads showing a C to T substitution at one of the terminal three positions in respect to the reference genome

Directory: stats


The standard krakenuniq report


The human readable kraken report in mpa-format


TSV FILE. Contains for each readgroup the number of reads before (raw) and after the initial filter step:

RG          ReadsRaw      ReadsFiltered ReadsLengthfiltered
test1       235           235           230
test2       235           235           230
test3       235           235           230


TSV FILE. Contains the number of sequences assigned to a taxon based on the KrakenUniq classification:

Taxon       ReadsExtracted
Hominidae   235


TSV FILE. Contains for each readgroup and family the number of sequences mapped to the reference genome. The column 'Reference' shows if the reference genome was fixed. The proportion mapped is the proportion of mapped to extracted reads:

Order     Family      Species       Reference    ReadsMapped   ProportionMapped
Primates  Hominidae   Homo_sapiens  fixed        235           0.913


TSV FILE. Contains for each readgroup and family the number of unique reads mapped to the reference genome, the duplication rate and information from the samtools coverage command:

Order: The taxonomic order
Family: The taxonomic family
Species: The taxonomic species used as reference for mapping
Reference: The reference type: either 'best' or 'fixed'
ReadsDeduped: The number of unique reads
DuplicationRate: The duplication rate of the unique reads
CoveredBP: 'covbases' of the samtools coverage command: The number of covered bases in the reference genome
Coverage: 'meandepth' of the samtools coverage command: The mean depth of coverage
Breadth: 'coverage' of the samtools coverage command (by 100): the proportion of covered bases in the reference genome
ExpectedBreadth: Expected breadth based on the inStrain formula: expected_breadth = 1-e^(-0.833*coverage). See
ProportionExpectedBreadth: The proportion of Breadth / ExpectedBreadth


TSV FILE. Contains for each readgroup and family the number of sequences remaining in the bam-file after bedfiltering and the number of covered basepairs in the reference genome after removal of low-complexity sequences:

Order     Family      Species       Reference  ReadsBedfiltered PostBedCoveredBP
Primates  Hominidae   Homo_sapiens  fixed      97               4177


TSV FILE. Contains for each readgroup the deamination stats for the BAM file after bedfiltering:

Ancientness:  ++  = more than 9.5% of the reads that show a terminal C in both the 5' and 3' position in the reference genome, carry a T
              +   = more than 9.5% of the reads that show a terminal C in either the 5' or 3' position in the reference genome, carry a T
              -   = no signs for DNA deamination patterns

ReadsDeam(1term): The number of reads (after deduplication and bedfiltering) that show a deamination in the terminal base positions
ReadsDeam(3term): The number of reads (after deduplication and bedfiltering) that show a deamination in the three terminal base positions
Deam5(95ci):      For the terminal 5' end, the percentage of C to T substitutions (and the 95% confidence interval)
Deam3(95ci):      For the terminal 3' end, the percentage of C to T substitutions (and the 95% confidence interval)
Deam5Cond(95ci):  Taken only 3' deaminated sequences, report the percentage of C to T substitutions (and the 95% confidence interval) at the 5' terminal base
Deam3Cond(95ic):  Taken only 5' deaminated sequences, report the percentage of C to T substitutions (and the 95% confidence interval) at the 3' terminal base


The final report contains all the columns presented above. In Addition, the final report contains a column FamPercentage which provides the relative proportion of final reads (after deduplication or bedfiltering) of the assigned family in the readgroup. If there are several lines for one family and readgroup (e.g. after a rerun or multiple fixed references) the highest number of final reads is used as the baseline for the other entries of the same family


The filtered report contains all the columns from the final_report. However, the report is filtered by the two values FamPercentage and ProportionExpectedBreadth as provided by the flags --reportfilter_percentage and --reportfilter_breadth (both default to 0.5).

The cc_estimates.tsv files contains information about index-hopping and cross contamintaion
The nextflow directory contains information about the run, like the commandline used and the config-files provided
the work directory can be deleted after the run - it contains nextflow specific intermediate files